Monday, November 12, 2007


It looks like the boy and I are taking a quick drive to our local animal sanctuary tomorrow. We try to be there once a week, and usually that means bringing our aluminum recycle cans to donate. It's just become almost a ritual with us. It is right by a river that is filled with many creatures. We can walk the mangrove bridge and see fiddler crabs, raccoons, cranes, egrets and the occasional fisherman. Gosh, though I'm not fond of fishing, those older fisherman can sure make me laugh with their stories. I guess I've grown fond of them and their ways. They always have something interesting to share with the boy, and he's beginning to look for familiar faces.

Hopefully my camera and computer will cooperate for me, so I can post new pictures tomorrow. We'll be bringing a picnic and just enjoying the scenery.

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