Thursday, November 15, 2007


My son has some ideas about the whole Santa topic. These are completely from his own head, as we have chosen not to go into too many lies with the topic. We've been thinking of doing the St. Nicholas story with him. Sometimes we just aren't sure what to tell him. He questions us constantly on the Santa issue. Things I just don't expect from a four year old. I was oblivious until I was OLD. I don't know how old I was, but I was ruined for life. Well, not really ruined but I was truly surprised at the truth. So, after a day of seeing Christmas decorations at our mall I had a lot of questions to answer. I was having a hard time keeping up, and I really am not known for thinking on my feet. So, while sitting in the living room I hear my son say to his Dad:

"Dad, tell me why Santa's helper lives at the mall?"

I guess I need to think of a better explanation about the mall Santa.

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