Thursday, November 8, 2007


Today was one of those days. We spent most of the morning playing out back and digging two giant holes. My poor yellow hibiscus have just about had it, so they needed somewhere new to hopefully survive. The rest of the day was the boy's idea.

He always has been creative in ways that I just am not. Which has been a fun learning experience. He has been creating things by ripping up shapes or pieces and randomly glue-sticking them together. Sounds simple, right? Well, as I played along with him, I realized this is a whole lot of fun. Really, it is. So, we spent a good part of the afternoon ripping construction paper to shreds to turn them into something new. It was a sticky mess, and I'm not sure my vacuum will survive. But, the things that kids do just amaze me. Sometimes I find myself so carried away that I forget how much fun it is to just do simple little things.

Sorry for the blurriness! Names are as told by the boy. Top: "Sunset"
Middle: "Stegosaurus" Bottom: "Bird"

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