It's been getting a bit colder at night in these parts. I believe the thermometer outside read 60 degrees F. Our lightweight coats were dragged out, in spite of our Yankee past. We are definitely thin blooded now. I know I used to laugh, but it really felt like someone was blocking the sun from us.
So, it inspired me to throw together a lasagna for dinner. This is a recipe that has been ever evolving. I initially got the tofu filling mixture from a message board years ago. I believe it was for a vegan stuffed manicotti recipe. It tastes great like that, but I'm more of a lasagna gal.
How to make:
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
Tofu Mixture(to replace traditional ricotta):
1 package of extra-firm tofu(we use Nasoya brand, squeezed out extremely well)
small amount of vegenaise to make it a bit more smooth
spices to your liking, we have used traditional Italian spices and also added red pepper flakes for variety
salt and pepper to taste
Mix, Mix, Mix
Take your lasagna pan and add a dash of olive oil, your favorite sauce, and a layer of no bake lasagna noodles. You can use traditional noodles as well, but this works well. Just make sure to use an abundance of sauce so the noodles cook correctly.
Add a layer of the tofu mixture, favorite veggies(I have used almost every veggie you could think of), then place a new layer of lasagna noodles. Completely cover noodles with sauce, and repeat. At the top I just add my sauce and we like a good strong sprinkle of nutritional yeast flakes. Cover with tinfoil(don't touch the food with it, I worry about Alzheimer's) and bake covered about 1 hour. Take tinfoil off for last 5 minutes. Let rest.
Eat and enjoy!
Saturday, November 3, 2007
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