Sunday, August 31, 2008


I'm taking a break for a bit. There is a lot going on in my life right now that needs sorting out. We are fine, just some big decisions on the horizon.


Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Today we:

Ate delicious blueberry scones, that tasted more like blueberry biscuits.

Ran around in tropical storm Fay, and got soaked.

Read lots of books.

Made lots of tea.

Had some serious discussions about the future.

Built gigantic lego creations.

Tried to remember all we have that we should be thankful for.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Some Disney Pictures

Here are a few pictures. I'm still sorting through the mass of pictures we took. Enjoy.

~Magic Kingdom~

~Magic Kingdom~

~Animal Kingdom~

~Magic Kingdom~

~Animal Kingdom~

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Vegans in Disney World

We had a wonderful trip. The Boy found Disney World to be even more magical then I think he was imagining. His favorite ride? "It's a Small World." Be careful, that song has a way of never leaving your head.

The Boy's favorite park by far was the Animal Kingdom. He's an animal lover, and we were lucky to see most of the animals in the two days we spent in Animal Kingdom. I have over 350 pictures to go through, and I will post a few over the next couple days. I don't put pictures of the Boy on here, and of course those are the best ones. But, I do have some to share.

Surprisingly, we found some vegan food. Granted, a lot of it was fruit and salads. But, we would highly recommend Cosmic Ray's Starlight Cafe in Tomorrowland if you are in the Magic Kingdom. The absolute best variety and actual food was in the Animal Kingdom at Tusker House Restaurant. It was a huge buffet style place, and it was CLEAN. They had an actual section called Vegetarian Station which was filled with the most delicious food I have eaten at a restaurant in years. We ate there for lunch and dinner. I cannot recommend them enough. If you aren't vegan, I would still recommend them. Their food is fantastic.

Sunday, August 3, 2008


The other night I woke up hearing a very loud thud. I immediately ran in to check the Boy, but he was sound asleep. So, I woke up my husband who didn't hear a thing. We looked around, but we didn't see anything. Eventually, we decided to just go back to bed. I think my husband thought I was crazy.

While pulling into our driveway last night, my husband said "What is that on our roof?" I looked up and there was a fairly large rock sitting up there. Apparently that was the noise I heard. How it got up there? We can guess, but probably won't ever know.

We were arriving home from our local "mall". I quote it because it's hard for me to accept that it lives up to the name "mall". I was trying on some shorts for our upcoming trip, and in the rush didn't notice the ink security tag. I only realized the back was off the security tag when it gouged the side of my thigh. I'm hoping it only ripped open my leg and not numerous others before me.

We're heading out on our trip today. Our friend is checking in on the Cat and fish. Hopefully they will behave for him.